
Organization and Responsibilities of Chiayi Art Museum


I. Exhibition and Education Department

Responsible for the exhibition of artworks, exchange of artworks between museums domestically and internationally, reception services and media liaison, civic aesthetic education and promotion, as well as guided tours and explanations.


II. Collection and Research Department

Responsible for the collection, cataloging, and acquisition of artworks; organization and verification; classification and registration; research and translation; digital archiving; management, maintenance and restoration; publication of materials; as well as the compilation and acquisition of art-related books and providing consultation services.


III. General Planning Department

Responsible for the repair, maintenance, and management of the Museum's historic sites, architecture, and facilities; the installation of public art; public services; outsourced space operations, development and review of cultural and creative products; general planning; research and evaluation; information systems; mechanical and electrical systems; sealing; document; records management; property management; cashiering; general affairs; as well as procurement services.