
Perceptual Drawing Machine ─ Tai Ming-te Solo Exhibition

Activity Date
2021 / 03 / 06 - 2021 / 04 / 25
special gallery
Artist Tai Ming-te in his Sisyphean state of life creates drawings perpetually as a "Perceptual Drawing Machine". What is he searching for with all the absurd efforts? Is this a form of punishment, a mission or just an unusual attitude to life?   
In the postmodernism context where the creator is irrelevant to its creation, Tai's sketches of daily trivialities interweave with history, observations of the society, experiments of art styles and other elements. Such drawing and surveying of life is a body of modernity, which serves to challenge the limit and to gradually accomplish impossible missions with disciplined practicality. It is inherently like a graphic space with an ever-growing root-like structure of connections. Up to now Tai has created a dozen of different series. Each time you feel getting closer to his art, he is already on his way to drawing something new. For him, a series is not merely a random assembly of artworks, but a holistic study of relevant contents over a dedicated period of time. His creation process is like a restless drawing machine going full turbo with new inspirations unceasingly emerging.