
(1) Privacy protection policy of the Chiayi Art Museum website (hereafter as “the museum website”)

The privacy protection policy includes how this website handles the personal identification data collected when you use the website services. The privacy protection policy does not apply to other external links associated with the site, nor does it apply to personnel who are commissioned by the site to participate in the management of the site.
We will collect your personal identification information when you browse our site, register for events and make reservation for visits. During normal browsing, the server records paths, including the IP address of your connecting device, the time of use, the browser used and the browsing and clicking data records. These records are used as reference for us to improve the development of the website services and will never be released.
Uploading, sending, inputting or providing data to the museum websiteis considered as your permission for our website to use, revise, reproduce, publicly broadcast, modify, distribute, publicly release and transmit such data in accordance with the privacy policy and license the aforementioned rights to others without objection. You should also ensure that the use, revision, reproduction, public broadcast, modification, distribution, publicly release and transmission and sublicensing of such data by the website will not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. Otherwise, you may be liable to the museum website for damages (including but not limited to litigation costs and attorney fees and others).
The museum website will not arbitrarily provide services of selling, exchanging or renting out any of your personal information to other groups or individuals, except under the following circumstances:

  • When you agree to information sharing.
  • Your data is used for academic purposes to meet the museum's needs in conducting statistical analysis and survey of structure of target audience.
  • Judicial bodies request the museum website to provide data of specific individuals for public safety. The museum website may take legal and formal procedures and make necessary cooperation with the judicial bodies in consideration of the safety of all users.
  • Violation of the museum website's policy, rights, intellectual property rights or the safety of other users.

The museum website will revise the policy from time to time. If we make major changes to the rules on the use of personal data, we will post a notice on the website to notify you of the relevant matters.
The host of the museum website is equipped with various information security measures such as firewalls, anti-virus system and other safety protection measures to protect the website and your personal data. The museum website uses a standard SSL security system to ensure the safety and privacy of your data transmission.

(2) The museum website uses Cookies:

Cookies are some brief information data that the server writes to the user's hard drive through the browser to identify the different preferences between users. Most websites use cookies to provide various useful functions to their users. Cookies can only identify your computer, not your identity. Most browsers accept cookies by default; however, you may choose to refuse cookies. You can choose to modify your browser's levels of acceptance of cookies, including accepting all, being notified when cookies are sent, and rejecting all cookies.
If you choose to reject all cookies, you may not able to use some personalized services on the museum website or participate in some activities. The museum website will write in and read cookies on your browser in accordance with the principle of this policy for the following purposes and circumstances: to provide better and more personalized services, and facilitate more personalized interactions. These are to compile the number of visitors and analyze the browsing patterns to understand the visits as a reference for improving the services of the museum website.

(3) Description of children's privacy rights on the museum website:

The museum website takes the protection of children's privacy very seriously. The website especially values the protection of children's personal information. For children and teenagers under the age of 14, the website hopes they will have their parents by their side when visiting the website together to ensure their rights.
More and more standards have been developed for the field of children's privacy rights. These standards will affect how the website handles children's personal information in the future. The website is paying close attention to these changes and redesigning a system that aligns with the full protection of children's privacy rights.