
Untitled (bare noise)

Activity Date
2021 / 08 / 31 - 2021 / 10 / 17
2F special Gallery
''The dusty item was suddenly raised, leaving the contour revealing imagination.''
Starting from the observation in daily life, Mr. Chien Chih-Feng records and critiques the environment and phenomena of behavioral models and objects that are less spotlighted than usual.
''25% off on all the items now. Enjoy up to 10,000 discount. Please search online for more details.''
The numbing advertising elements like the above are spread throughout our lives from small markets to large department stores. These tempting slogans and images are pervasive.
In such a two-way interaction and various visual stimulation, can the public find the way back to consumption and satisfy their desires, or do they only keep wandering in the cycle of appearance/illusion?
As human beings who follow our own will in principle, can each of us go through fire and water to implement the freedom ourselves in this seemingly maturing system?
The exhibition starts from the perspective of painting, extending through three media: graphic, installation, and animation, and moves through the city in numerous ways to explore the existence of goods/people, the visual fatigue/stimulation caused by advertising, and the various connections with the environment encountered in this process. These elements then integrate into a platform to reflect and justify the system/environment and human/consumption initially conceived by the artist.