
被高高架起的_______ 丘智偉個展

2024 / 09 / 03 - 2024 / 11 / 03
全票NT 50元 | 團體票NT 35元 | 優待票NT 25元 | 嘉義市民免費參觀
自2017年起,嘉義市區開始進行鐵路高架化的工程,預計於2026年完工。從小在新北市和臺北市成長的丘智偉,早已習慣現代的城市景觀,高架道路、聳立的高樓大廈都是他熟悉的景象。從2021年底開始,丘智偉利用攝影記錄不同城市的樣貌,捕捉城市建築、高架設施及橋樑的巨大身影,拍攝支撐人們日常生活的柱子和聳立的大樓。這些建物猶如生活中的巨大紀念物,如法國歷史學家皮耶·諾哈(Pierre Nora)所提出的「記憶所繫之處」(Les lieux de mémoire),這些物質或非物質的紀念物,經過時間累積,成為具有象徵意義的記憶場所。但隨著城市的建設與更新,城市景觀也在逐漸改變,在拆除與重建的過程中,記憶也隨之汰換與更新。高架設施越來越多,我們的視野也隨之提高,生活在其中的人們,對這些快速變化早已習以為常,時常對變化不以為意,只有在某些不經意的時刻,才會忽然意識到這些變化。這些建築將我們高高架起,一根根豎立的柱子,越來越高,離天空越來越近,彷彿伸手就能觸及。

The roads rising higher and higher, the views soaring higher and higher, the lives elevated higher and higher, and you and I lifted higher and higher.
As a child, I always loved sitting by the window on train rides, captivated by the swiftly changing scenery outside. It was like watching a movie on a screen, with my gaze drawn to the evolving landscapes. From the darkness of underground tunnels, the train would gradually ascend to the surface, and then to elevated tracks, this change in elevation almost imperceptible due to the speed of the journey. Passengers, without realizing it, were slowly lifted higher.
Since 2017, Chiayi City has been undertaking a railway elevation project, slated for completion in 2026. Growing up in New Taipei City and Taipei, I have become accustomed to the modern urban landscape. Elevated roads and towering skyscrapers are familiar sights to me. Starting in late 2021, I began using photography to document the character of various cities, capturing the monumental structures, elevated pathways, and bridges. I photographed the pillars supporting everyday life and the high-rise buildings towering above us. These structures serve as monumental artifacts in our daily lives, akin to what French historian Pierre Nora describes as "Les lieux de mémoire" (site of memory)—both tangible and intangible sites that, through time, accumulate symbolic meaning. As cities undergo construction and renewal, their landscapes evolve, and memories are simultaneously replaced and refreshed. With the increase in elevated structures, our viewpoints rise as well. Residents, often indifferent to the rapid changes, rarely notice them until a fleeting moment of awareness. These buildings elevate us, with each pillar rising higher, bringing us closer to the sky, as if we could reach out and touch it.
We always strive to elevate ourselves, yearning to be lifted higher, to gain better perspectives, to climb upwards, enjoying the convenience and speed of modern life, hoping never to fall behind.
" Lift ___ Higher and Higher " aims to use photography and subsequent installations to guide viewers in reexamining the elevated structures that support daily life. Through the lens of the artist, we observe the ongoing railway elevation in Chiayi, witnessing the transformation of urban landscapes, reflecting on how our lives have been progressively lifted higher and higher.
今日開館 09:00 - 17:00
60045嘉義市西區廣寧街101號 (地圖位置)
+886 5-227-0016